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Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Libero ipsum quasi, error quibusdam debitis maiores hic eum? Vitae nisi ipsa maiores fugiat deleniti quis reiciendis veritatis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Ea voluptatibus, ipsam quo est rerum modi quos expedita facere, ex tempore fuga similique ipsa blanditiis et accusamus temporibus commodi voluptas! Nobis veniam illo architecto expedita quam ratione quaerat omnis. In, recusandae eos! Pariatur, deleniti quis ad nemo ipsam officia temporibus, doloribus fuga asperiores ratione distinctio velit alias hic modi praesentium aperiam officiis eaque, accusamus aut. Accusantium assumenda, commodi nulla provident asperiores fugit inventore iste amet aut placeat consequatur reprehenderit. Ratione tenetur eligendi, quis aperiam dolores magni iusto distinctio voluptatibus minus a unde at! Consequatur voluptatum in eaque obcaecati, impedit accusantium ea soluta, excepturi, quasi quia commodi blanditiis? Qui blanditiis iusto corrupti necessitatibus dolorem fugiat consequuntur quod quo veniam? Labore dignissimos reiciendis accusamus recusandae est consequuntur iure.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
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<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
ipsum quasi, error quibusdam debitis maiores hic eum? Vitae
ipsa maiores fugiat deleniti quis reiciendis veritatis.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Ea
voluptatibus, ipsam quo est rerum modi quos expedita facere,
tempore fuga similique ipsa blanditiis et accusamus
commodi voluptas! Nobis veniam illo architecto expedita quam
ratione quaerat omnis. In, recusandae eos! Pariatur,
quis ad nemo ipsam officia temporibus, doloribus fuga
ratione distinctio velit alias hic modi praesentium aperiam
officiis eaque, accusamus aut. Accusantium assumenda,
nulla provident asperiores fugit inventore iste amet aut
consequatur reprehenderit. Ratione tenetur eligendi, quis
aperiam dolores magni iusto distinctio voluptatibus minus a
at! Consequatur voluptatum in eaque obcaecati, impedit
accusantium ea soluta, excepturi, quasi quia commodi
Qui blanditiis iusto corrupti necessitatibus dolorem fugiat
consequuntur quod quo veniam? Labore dignissimos reiciendis
accusamus recusandae est consequuntur iure.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
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<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
ipsum quasi, error quibusdam debitis maiores hic eum? Vitae
ipsa maiores fugiat deleniti quis reiciendis veritatis.</p>
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Ea voluptatibus, ipsam quo est rerum modi quos expedita facere, ex tempore fuga similique ipsa blanditiis et accusamus temporibus commodi voluptas! Nobis veniam illo architecto expedita quam ratione quaerat omnis. In, recusandae eos! Pariatur, deleniti quis ad nemo ipsam officia temporibus, doloribus fuga asperiores ratione distinctio velit alias hic modi praesentium aperiam officiis eaque, accusamus aut. Accusantium assumenda, commodi nulla provident asperiores fugit inventore iste amet aut placeat consequatur reprehenderit. Ratione tenetur eligendi, quis aperiam dolores magni iusto distinctio voluptatibus minus a unde at! Consequatur voluptatum in eaque obcaecati, impedit accusantium ea soluta, excepturi, quasi quia commodi blanditiis? Qui blanditiis iusto corrupti necessitatibus dolorem fugiat consequuntur quod quo veniam? Labore dignissimos reiciendis accusamus recusandae est consequuntur iure.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
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<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Ea
voluptatibus, ipsam quo est rerum modi quos expedita facere,
tempore fuga similique ipsa blanditiis et accusamus
commodi voluptas! Nobis veniam illo architecto expedita quam
ratione quaerat omnis. In, recusandae eos! Pariatur,
quis ad nemo ipsam officia temporibus, doloribus fuga
ratione distinctio velit alias hic modi praesentium aperiam
officiis eaque, accusamus aut. Accusantium assumenda,
nulla provident asperiores fugit inventore iste amet aut
consequatur reprehenderit. Ratione tenetur eligendi, quis
aperiam dolores magni iusto distinctio voluptatibus minus a
at! Consequatur voluptatum in eaque obcaecati, impedit
accusantium ea soluta, excepturi, quasi quia commodi
Qui blanditiis iusto corrupti necessitatibus dolorem fugiat
consequuntur quod quo veniam? Labore dignissimos reiciendis
accusamus recusandae est consequuntur iure.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
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<h5>Popover in a modal</h5>
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<h5>Tooltips in a modal</h5>
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Stacked Overlays modals are a user interface design concept where multiple overlay windows, or modals, are displayed on top of each other, typically in a web or app interface. These modals are often used to present additional information, confirm actions, or to guide users through multi-step processes. The key characteristic of Stacked Overlays is their layered appearance, where each new modal partially covers the previous one, creating a stack effect. This stacking can provide a visual cue to users about the depth of their interaction or the sequence of tasks. To maintain usability, these modals are designed with careful attention to transparency, size, and the ability to easily return to previous layers. They often incorporate animations for smooth transitions between layers and may include features like dimming the background to focus user attention on the active modal.
Modal title (level 2)
Stacked Overlays modals represent a design approach in user interfaces, where several overlay windows, known as modals, are layered on top of one another. This is commonly seen in web or mobile application interfaces.
Modal title (level 3)
Stacked Overlays: UI design with layered modals, often in web/apps, where each window overlays the previous one.
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Stacked Overlays modals are a user interface design concept where multiple overlay windows, or
modals, are displayed on top of each other, typically in a web or app interface. These modals are
often used to present additional information, confirm actions, or to guide users through multi-step
processes. The key characteristic of Stacked Overlays is their layered appearance, where each new
modal partially covers the previous one, creating a stack effect. This stacking can provide a visual
cue to users about the depth of their interaction or the sequence of tasks. To maintain usability,
these modals are designed with careful attention to transparency, size, and the ability to easily
return to previous layers. They often incorporate animations for smooth transitions between layers
and may include features like dimming the background to focus user attention on the active modal.
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<p class="mt-1 mb-2 text-gray-800 dark:text-white/70">
Stacked Overlays modals represent a design approach in user interfaces, where several overlay
windows, known as modals, are layered on top of one another. This is commonly seen in web or mobile
application interfaces.
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"isClosePrev": false
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<p class="mt-1 text-gray-800 dark:text-white/70">
Stacked Overlays: UI design with layered modals, often in web/apps, where each window overlays the
previous one.
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