Candidate Profile Information
Career Objective :

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque dui tellus, porta vitae lacinia id, consequat a ante. Aenean et est sit amet magna convallis porta ac eu lorem. Maecenas vitae dictum dui, ut pellentesque erat.

Quisque et molestie nisi. Cras at erat nec lectus venenatis tincidunt nec non eros. In neque nisi, scelerisque in ante at, pretium gravida purus.

Education :

Bachelors of science in computer science

LMN Institute of Technology


(2015 Mar - 2019 Apr)

Intermediate (MPC)

Suriyan Kendreya College


(2013 Mar - 2015 Apr)

Certifications :

React Development (5 Months)

Nexus Technologies

Fullstack Development (12 Months)

Innovate Enterprise.Co.

Publications :
  1. “Digital in the Modern Age,” SkTech Trends Journal, Issue 2, 2021
  2. “Impact of Social Media,” Quarterly, Spring Edition, June 2015
  3. “Machine Learning Algorithms for Analytics,” proceedings, 2018
Activities and Interests :
  1. Photography
  2. Collecting Antique Things
  3. Painting
References :

Name : Amelia Grace

Designation : UI Developer

Company Name : Innovatepix

Mobile : +91 87579444111

Email :

Location : Chennai

Experience Overview
Experience :

UI Developer (2020 Jan - 2023 Apr)


Saidapet, Chennai

Responsibilities :

  1. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to conceptualize and execute user-centered designs, incorporating market analysis, customer feedback, and usability findings.
  2. Implemented and maintained a consistent design system, ensuring uniformity across various platforms and devices.
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Personal Information
Full Name : Isabella Rose
Email :
D.O.B : 28 Mar 2000
Gender : Female
Age : 29
Mobile : +91 87544744441
Mother Tongue : Kannada
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood Group : o +ve
Address : A-123,Koramangala, Bangalore - 5600044
Tools Used

English : Fluent

Hindi : Intermediate

Kannada : Expert

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