• 05:23 Thursday
    19,Oct 2023

    Isabella Joe

    Submitted complete project and attached somefiles to get aware of issues in the further implementation.

  • 13:02 Saturday
    30,Oct 2023

    Henrik Roy

    New Message is posted #415001, Alloted Team to collect the information

  • 15:09 YESTERDAY
    21,Nov 2023

    Jakob Stone

    Task Number: A102H Need to be complete by the Next week , because of added some additional improvements, corrections and more is required

  • 04:12 YESTERDAY
    06,Dec 2023

    Stella Ivy

    Verification has done ! Go through the documention that has been dropped in the mail

  • 08:33 TODAY
    12,Dec 2023

    Braden Meir

    Uploaded 3 New Projects Get details by Checking the online links.

  • 14:40 TODAY
    12, Dec 2023

    Aurora Ellie

    Details on how to change the profile credentials. Follow the provided Instructions here.